
All staking Pools are paused due to the development of new staking pools so we CAN NOT accept any new investment for the moment. You can stake your tokens in new pools after running them. Do not worry about claiming your tokens. The rewards could be claimed whenever you want daily and your total tokens could be claimed at the end of the vesting period.
The First round of staking has been closed for the new stock of tokens, and all the people who have stocked their tokens in this round can claim their tokens if the stocking time ends in the first round. Currently, the second round is designed for staking, which can be seen in this link
Die erste Staking-Runde wurde für den neuen Token-Vorrat geschlossen, und alle Personen, die ihre Token in dieser Runde gelagert haben, können ihre Token einfordern, wenn die Vorhaltezeit in der ersten Runde endet. Aktuell ist die zweite Runde auf Staking ausgelegt, was in diesem link zu sehen ist